Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer was a Blast!

Anna Katherine

We've had a great summer here on Apple Creek Cove.  We had a great time with the grandchildren.  The oldest two and I spent some time at one of the local spray parks.  I wish these had been around when I was a kid or at least when their mom and Uncle Dave were kids.  All we had was a sprinkler attached to the garden hose and we loved it!  Of course, we had no idea there was anything nearly as cool as a spray park in the future.

Sarah ready for Cowboy Day 
I know that everyone says they have the best grandchildren in the world but I really do!  I am blessed to have wonderful, kind and loving grandchildren.  They've never known me without Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Myofascial Pain, Peripheral Neuropathy and Peripheral edema. As soon as they were able to understand, my daughter started teaching them about my limitations.  At a very young age, they learned that MiMi's muscles hurt all the time and she can't walk very far. Now that they are older, Jonathan and Anna come up with activities that I can do with them that won't tire me out and that I don't have to walk much to do. Jonathan and I cook and Anna and I sew.  When they see me trying to do something, they step in and if it's in their ability, take care of it for me.  All I have to do is ask for something and off my little caregivers go!  If they notice how badly my feet and legs are swollen, I get my "orders" to sit down and prop them up!  Even Sarah who is four understands that MiMi can't do the things she'd like to do.  She'll snuggle up, rub my arm and tell me that she's sorry I don't feel good.  That's followed up with "I love you MiMi".  You don't find medicine like that in a bottle. I'm looking forward to her getting older because right now, I can't keep up with her and know better than to try.
Most times a visit with them turns into a fibro flare when I get home and I'll be in bed for several days afterward.  Is it worth it?  You betcha!  Will I do it again? In a heartbeat!  Fibromyalgia is such a crazy disease that I don't know what tomorrow may bring.  With Fibromyalgia, your can't expect the next hour to be good.  It can literally rear it's ugly head in a matter of minutes, taking you from a productive person to being in so much pain you are bedridden.  I know that the odds are pretty high that I will reach a point where I can barely leave the house.   That's why I try to live life to the fullest while I still can.  .  

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