I would love to have an Accuquilt Go! I think you will agree that there's so many reasons to have one. First, they are so cool. There is just no way that I could be steady enough to cut out the appliques as nice as the ones you get with the Go! Perhaps my biggest reason for wanting one is the most practical. I have arthritis in my hands as well as neuropathy so cutting out the appliques is challenging to say the least. A Go would solve so many problems.
I've never been particularly "lucky" and so far that's not changed but I still enter every giveaway for a Accuquilt Go! that I come across. Tonight I was reading Fabric and Thread; Paper and Pens and Kasey has found another give away for us to enter. Linda, who boasts that she can still fit in her earrings from high school (I'm so jealous!) is giving away an Accuquilt Go! on her blog, Lavender Ridge. One thing I've learned is that you can't follow too many good quilting blogs so I've so I've signed up to be a follower of Linda's blog. I look forward to reading Linda's thoughts on quilting and life in general and maybe, just maybe, winning a Go!
Remember when your curfew was when the street lights turned on? Your mom was home with freshly baked cookies and a cold glass of milk when you got home from school? Everyone gathered around the table for a meal that Mom made with no help from packaged mixes or a fast food place? Life was so much simpler then. Join me on my journey towards that simpler life as I strive to become a Proverbs 31 woman with a closer walk with God.
I hope you win one of them!! :)